Real Friendships: Class
Very soon you’ll have the option to run Real Friendships with not just a small group but a whole class. Our new Year 3-4 and Year 5-6 programs are designed for a larger group, and incorporate games, activities, group work and discussions all around the same topics. You’ll be covering healthy friendships, effective communication, responding to conflict, managing friendship changes and relating to friends and peers online.
Scroll down to find out what’s included in the program package and an overview of the eight sessions. The Year 5-6 program builds on what’s been covered in Year 3-4, and goes deeper into each topic.
Coming in March 2025!
Promoting Positive Relationships

Program Package
Our program packages are comprehensively resourced and easy to follow. You’ll receive unlimited access to our training (for all staff from one school), facilitator handbook, custom-made activities and visual resources, digital resources for activities, promotional resources and parent/carer information. We’ve also included follow-up activities and assessments.
Each program can be purchased separately, or bought together as a bundle.

“It has helped me and my friends… now we have much stronger friendships”.
Year 6 Student, Wickham Primary School, WA

Session Information
The following is a brief outline of the topics covered over the course of the program. It’s designed to fit into the school term but can be delivered over more than eight sessions if that works best for your school and students.
Healthy Friendships
As the program begins students discuss what makes a friendship healthy, the strengths they bring to their friendships, and identify something to work on as they relate to their friends and peers.
Effective Communication
Great communication supports a healthy friendship! Through a variety of games and discussions students discover the importance of listening, seeking perspective and showing empathy.
Building Others Up
How friends speak to each other and about each other matters. In this session students will discuss how powerful words are and what it means to be a friend who builds others up.
Responding to Conflict
Students identify common problems that can cause conflict between friends, explore communication styles and the benefits of assertive communication.
Resolving Conflict
In this session students discuss different ways of responding to conflict and practise using a simple strategy that will help them resolve problems as they arise with friends or peers.
Friendships Online
How we relate to friends online is just as important as how we relate to them in real life. Students discuss safe and respectful use of technology and social media in an age-appropriate way.
When Friendships Change
It’s normal for friendships to change over time. Students discuss some of the reasons why friendships change, identify ways of coping with those changes and strategies for self-care.
Connections and Support
To conclude the program, students discuss the importance of support, trustworthy people they can go to for help, and ways they can be a supportive friend.